Thursday, June 12, 2008

">26 1/2 weeks preggo......!

Hello all, looks like we are moving right along and doing really well in the Snyder Home. I had another really fast ultrasound today and the babies are doing well. Heartbeats are strong and their amniotic fluid looks good. My next major doctors appointment doesn't happen until June 30th so it will be a bit of a waiting game until then.

I am finding that the newness of this situation has worn off and I am a little bit crazy these days as I am sure Brycen can tell you, but hang'n in there just the same I guess. I am always reminded that I could be letting all of this time pass in the luxury of a hospital room and it gives me a brightened perspective. We are a week and a half away from our second short term goal of 28 weeks and we are so thankful! Twenty-eight weeks has shown to be a good milestone for babies... there is a 90% survival rate of a baby born at this stage, and they typically catch up with other kids their age by 2 years old. Thank you for all of your continued prayers and love... it means the world to us to know that these boys are loved even before they have arrived.

~26 weeks 4 days~


patty snyder said...

Hi Beautiful Momma!

Those sweet boys are growing everyday - thanks for taking such good care of them already! I can't wait to have on in each arm! - hugs - Grammy

patty snyder said...

oops! - I mispelled "one" in each arm!! - Grammy's old!

Jessica said...

what a cute belly... love it!! :)

steph said...

i second the cuteness of the belly...and can only imagine the cuteness going on within:)