Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This new blog is an attempt to give friends and family the oppurtunity to experience God's faithfulness and care for His children. Brycen and I are excited to share the victories both big and small alike and to praise Him for the blessings of our sons. Knowing the joy and delight that Canon has brought to our lives only makes us hold our breath in anticipation for those next two Snyder Boys to make their grand entrance.

As many of you already know... Brycen, Canon, and I are about 2 and 1/2 weeks into our latest adventure.....Bedrest! As mommy of this crew, I am learning patience and dicipline as I let others help ( which does not come easy to me ), and try to encourage Brycen as he takes on his new role as Mr. Mom.

We are so excited to get started and bring you along for the ride!

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